“The global challenges of the XXI century”

“The global challenges of the XXI century”

February 18, 2016 from 1500 to 1700 the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Nature organized a second interdisciplinary workshop on a permanent basis “Global challenges of the XXI century”, which was held in the Library of al-Farabi (White Hall) 4th floor.
Currently, under the global challenges and issues of our time should be understood set of problems, the solution of which depends on the continued existence of civilization.
Global challenges are the result of the uneven development of different areas of the life of modern humanity’s interaction with nature and the environment, as well as the contradictions posed by socio-economic, social, natural, political, ideological and other human relations. These problems affect the lives of humanity in general and Kazakhstan in particular.
This seminar is designed to combine the constant diverse professionals, scientists and public figures who will discuss the global problems facing humanity and propose ways to resolve them, following the objectives of the UN in the field of sustainable development.
During the second workshop addressed the following questions: Information warfare and terrorism, issues of environmental safety of rocket and space activity in Kazakhstan.
The workshop was attended by scientists Treasury, representatives of various research institutes (zoology, genetics, botany, environmental issues, etc..), Members of the Kazakhstan National Committee of UNESCO “Man and Biosphere”, educational and cultural center “Bilim”, as well as a wide range of people interested in the problems of sustainable development, ecology and environmental protection.

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