Eurasian platform “Green Bridge through Generations”

Eurasian platform “Green Bridge through Generations”

The aim of project – involvement of youth, scientific and the academic community in advance initiatives of the President of Kazakhstan Republic N. A. Nazarbayev: Global energy ecological strategy of a sustainable development in the XXI century, partnership programs “Green Bridge”. This project will mobilize efforts of youth for practical realization of initiatives of sustainable innovative development and preparation for the World Fair “EXPO-2017″.

Association of capacity of leading universities and scientific schools in the field of a sustainable development and energy ecological safety and creation of consortium of universities;
Development of the mechanism of preparation and retraining personnel for a sustainable development and advance green technologies in the Kazakhstan Republic;
Training of bachelors, masters and doctors of PhD, including within the joint Kazakhstan-Russian project on training of specialists on sustainable innovative development;
Interdisciplinary coordination and carrying out modern researches in the field of sustainable energy ecological development;
Development and implementation of scientific and applied innovative projects in the field of “green” economy.
Integration with the Educational and innovative center MDP Global Classroom “Sustainable development” of the Colombian university, the USA as one of platforms for studying of current trends and practical approaches in the field of a sustainable development and optimum ways of transition to “Green economy”.

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