November 25, 2015 1500 hours. The first was held in the Kazakh interdisciplinary workshop on a permanent basis “Global challenges of the XXI century” National University named after Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KNU), which was held in the Library of Al-Farabi.

Currently, under the global challenges and issues of our time should be understood set of problems, the solution of which depends on the continued existence of civilization.
Global challenges are the result of the uneven development of different areas of the life of modern humanity’s interaction with nature and the environment, as well as the contradictions posed by socio-economic, socio-natural, political, ideological, and other people’s attitudes. These problems affect the lives of humanity in general and Kazakhstan in particular.
This seminar is designed to combine the constant diverse professionals, scientists and public figures who will discuss the global challenges facing humanity, and to propose ways to resolve them, following the objectives of the UN in the field of sustainable development.
During the first seminar dealt with the following issues: the current trends of climate change in Kazakhstan, the environmental problems of the Aral Sea and the state of fish fauna in conditions of anthropogenic press.
The seminar was attended by scientists Treasury, representatives of various research institutes (zoology, genetics, botany, etc.), UNESCO experts, Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology (KAPE), and discussed the challenges of sustainable development, ecology and environmental protection.

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